Re: [WinMac] Sneaker Drive Format?

From: Pierre Duhem (lsduhem[at]
Date: Fri Oct 17 2003 - 09:06:34 EDT

  • Next message: Glen Mark Martin: "[WinMac] RE: Sneaker Drive Format"


    ANL> I've tried to make dual partition Fat32 / Mac Extended USB flash
    ANL> drives without luck (using Drive Setup.)

    ANL> What's the tool of choice for multi format partitions?

    ANL> I notice OS X isn't a fan of writing some files to Fat32 partitions
    ANL> (particularly applications.)

    There are several problems associated with multipartitioning such
    big drives.

    You can't have on the same disk a HFS/HFS+ partition and a
    FAT32/FAT16/NTFS one. The partitioning schemes are not compatible.

    Windows can't manage FAT32 drives bigger than 128GB. You could choose
    NTFS to format such a disk as a single volume, but Macintosh don't
    manage NTFS drives.

    Therefore, I would not take one single disk of more than
    128GB for such use, but rather several smaller (80/100), each one for
    its specific use.

    Best Regards
    Pierre Duhem
    Logiciels & Services Duhem, Paris (France)

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