[WinMac] WinXPP Security Questions from a Windows Idiot

From: Mo! Langdon (maureen[at]pacbell.net)
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 13:53:01 PDT

  • Next message: Tim David: "[WinMac] Re: winmac Digest 16 Sep 2003 20:53:21 -0000 Issue 306"

    My husband and I recently moved into a "smart" house: a PC runs the
    place (the lights, the watering, the pond pumps, the heater...). This
    is all very good and well, but, you know, we're Mac geeks... I can
    stumble my way through the program that actually does the work (HCA),
    but I'm not so sure about the Windows part (it's been a LONG while
    since I've had to think M$). It's on the network, but needs to be
    able to get out to the 'net.

    I *think* I know where to give it a valid IP addy, but as far as
    service packs and such to apply (or not), I await the influx of
    knowledge from far and wide. :-)

    I'm also interested in a firewall for the thing. The DSL router has
    one, but I'd just as soon leave that alone, so I don't muck things up
    for the Macs (everything else on the network).

    Could SKS recommend supplemental reading material on XP? I think
    _WinXP for Dummies_ is prolly on the basic side, but I'm not planning
    to turn into a programmer or a major-league power user, either.

    OTOH, is there a Mac solution to running the house?




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