[WinMac] Print Screen on Mac Keyboard

From: Antony N. Lord (antonylord[at]mac.com)
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 04:04:18 EDT

  • Next message: Scott Simons: "Re: [WinMac] Print Screen on Mac Keyboard"

    I share a Mac Pro Keyboard between Macs / PCs via a USB switchbox.

    F13 is where the Print Screen key is (on a PC keyboard) but I don't
    get the screen capture functionality (under XP.)

    Anyone have a solution for this?

    Cheers, Antony.

    =                            =                                   =
    =   Antony N. Lord           =     http://antonylord.com         =
    =   antonylord@mac.com       =     Perth, Western Australia      =
    =                            =                                   =

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