[WinMac] FrontPage Themes and FirstClass

From: Ed (edpalmer[at]onr.com)
Date: Sat Mar 15 2003 - 07:25:23 EST

  • Next message: Michael Kulyk: "[WinMac] Re: wireless router DI-614+ and AppleTalk"

    This is a question that involves using FrontPage 2000 with FirstClass, which we run on a G3. I assume the problem arises because of the original 31/32 character file limit on earlier versions of MacOS (back when that was a plus), and that we are using a
    non-Windows webserver to publish web pages.

    We are using FirstClass for our communications needs in our district and recently moved our website over to it. We are very pleased with how all the parts work together so well but are having problems with users who wish to use FrontPage to create web pages.
    The users want to use the built-in themes that come with FrontPage.

    Apparently, when you use a theme in FrontPage and use navigation buttons with rollovers, you select a button. Behind the scenes, FrontPage takes existing buttons, creates other buttons for the rollovers, names them and places them in a folder called
    "_derived". The names that are created for the buttons are extremely long, made up of the name of the button, the name of the theme, and various other information. The filename for this derived button is often over 30 characters and adds a ".gif" extension.

    The problem is that FirstClass filenames are apparently limited to 31 characters. When the files are uploaded, the extension is preserved, so all filenames are truncated at 27 characters (4 for the ".gif"). Filenames are either not unique in the first 27
    characters or names don't match the code... so the button images don't work.

    As an example, here is one of the names that FrontPage created for a button... thebutton name is 30 characters plus 4 for the ".gif" extension.


    I can alter the HTML code and button names and that works for me, but my users want to create the web pages and not deal with coding. FrontPage comes with the version of Office they have so trying to keep cost down points us to using FrontPage for those users.
    They want to use the themes rather than start from scratch or use FirstClass to create the pages.

    Calls to FirstClass verified the 31 character limit, but no one had ideas how to modify FrontPage to simplify the button names... I couldn't find anything on the Microsoft page, so if anyone has ideas, I'd love to hear them and pass them on.

      Ed Palmer
      Director of Technology Services
      Dripping Springs ISD
      Dripping Springs, TX 78620

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