[WinMac] Windows COM ports?

From: Ron LaPedis (ronl[at]laserphernalia.com)
Date: Mon Mar 10 2003 - 22:26:27 EST

  • Next message: Brian Durant: "Re: [WinMac] Moving Win Netscape or Mozilla to Linux."

    Is there some kind of utility program which will tell me how all my laptop's COM ports are assigned?

    I want to install some USB to serial convertors on my Win2K laptop, but I can not since all the COM ports that my software can see are in use. Obviously the single serial port on the back is COM1. The device manager tells me that COM4 belongs to the infrared port and COM5 is the modem. If I go into PORT SETTINGS for COM1, it shows me that COM2 is free but everything else up to COM10 is in use.


    Ron LaPedis, CBCP, CISSP
    Amateur Radio Operator N6QGK
    Visit my website to learn about disaster recovery and to see pictures from my travels around the world.

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