RE: [WinMac] Cable vs DSL

From: Tim Scoff (tim[at]
Date: Wed Jan 15 2003 - 20:51:32 EST

  • Next message: Tom Roth: "RE: [WinMac] Cable vs DSL (combined reply)"


            Ask both your cable company and your DSL provider if their
    service will work without any special software (PPPoE) being
    installed on your computer. If one of them insists on PPPoE software
    go with the other one.

    > ----------
    > From: Tom Roth
    > Reply To:
    > Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 3:20 PM
    > To: WinMac (E-mail)
    > Subject: [WinMac] Cable vs DSL
    > I'm considering getting high speed internet access for home use and
    >have the option of cable or DSL. What's the best way to go about
    >choosing which one would be best other than signing up and
    >performing speed tests?
    > I've heard that in choosing between cable and DSL it really matters
    >where you are geographically and who is providing the service. I
    >realize that cable has a slightly higher potential bandwidth but
    >that it's shared with your neighbors where as DSL is more like a
    >switched network. So how do I know which to go with?

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    Tim Scoff AST, MCSE (724) 342-3173 Cell - (724) 866-7862 Fax - (724) 342-5811

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