Re: [WinMac] Downloading RealAudio files

Subject: Re: [WinMac] Downloading RealAudio files
From: Nick Scalise (nicks[at]
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 09:19:12 EST

Most likely what is happening is that the RealAudio server is set to disable
saving of files.

There are apps available that will let you record streams however. Although
that kind of defeats the purpose you are looking for. Recording a stream can
only happen 'real time' and no faster.

Tom Roth wrote:

> I want download some RealAudio files at work where I have a fast Internet
> connection and then save them to a zip disk so I can then play them on my
> PowerBook at home which only has a dial-up connection. It's the same thing I
> do with MP3 files but with the RealAudio file all I get is a *.ram file and is
> only a tiny little file that if I open in BBEdit, I see that it's just a URL
> starting with "pnm://" which is pointing to a *.rm file which is the real big
> RealAudio file. If I cut and paste that URL into my browser it doesn't
> download, it starts up RealAudio and begins to play. I don't want to play it
> now I just want to download it. If I substitute http:// for pnm:// it doesn't
> work.
> I also tried setting some preferences in my browser to force IE to handle the
> pnm protocol and save to disk but that didn't work either. From what I've
> read on-line, it sounds like pnm is RealAudio's proprietary protocol and
> unless the website makes the *.ra file available via http, there's not much I
> can do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Nick Scalise

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