RE: [WinMac] Re: PPP-callback

From: Perbix, Michael (PERBIX[at]
Date: Sun Sep 02 2001 - 05:27:15 PDT

  • Next message: Pau: "RE: [WinMac] Mac jobs to NT print Server"

    You need to make sure that the authentication method is set to clear. It
    has been several years since I tried this, but to RAS into a NT server you
    need the clear password option.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Matti Haveri [mailto:matti.haveri[at]]
    Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 7:12 AM
    Subject: [WinMac] Re: PPP-callback

    It seems that PPP callback from a NT server to the Mac isn't possible:

    I can establish a PPP connection via modem callback with Windows 95
    client via Virtual PC (!). The server gives me an IP-number (DHCP)
    and access to the NT network. Connecting via Virtual PC was
    surprisingly snappy but for other reasons I need a "native" solution.

    If on the Mac side I set the same username and password to the Mac
    PPP client (Mac OS 9.1's Remote Access), the server disconnects with
    authentication failure and doesn't even go to the callback phase.
    Same with FreePPP 2.6.2. (FreePPP's info window does mention LCP but
    you can't configure it). Mac OS 9 ARA server has callback but the
    client doesn't seem to support callback from a NT server.

    Does the NT server use some kind of Microsoft's proprietary PPP
    authentication method?

    The only Mac PPP client that may have this callback capability from a
    NT server is AccessPPP. AccessPPP seems to be a variant of the
    original old MacPPP and it also seems to be Japanese only. I couldn't
    find a site where it still could be downloaded.

    Am I out of luck? MacWindows site didn't have an answer either. What
    about Mac OS X PPP clients (not that my 8600/200 supports X anyway)?



    Help! :|

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