[WinMac] FireWire (IEEE 1394) comments updated

From: Dan Schwartz (Expresso[at]snip.net)
Date: Tue Aug 28 2001 - 06:48:47 PDT

  • Next message: John Welch: "Re: [WinMac] FireWire (IEEE 1394) comments updated"

            About 2-3 years ago here on this WinMac list, I was pretty harsh towards
    Apple's IEEE 1394 (FireWire) IP licensing terms. Well, it looks like Apple paid
    attention: Given the pressure from Intel's competing USB 2.0, Apple reduced the
    licensing cost 75%
    <http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2807924,00.html> to about 25
    cents; and now 1394 ports are popping up on more and more PC's -- Like my own
    VAIO notebook.

            This is a Good Development, because now more of those previously esoteric
    FireWire peripherals can be used on greater than the 7% of the market that is
    Mac based. Key to all of this, though, is robust drivers: How many of us have
    had fits with Toast not finding a balky CD-R deck?!

            Damned if it ain't that "devil" from FireWire's "devil in the details"
    throwing a turd in the punchbowl...


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