[WinMac] Re: Sysco Aeronet and Apple Airport

From: hharken (hank.harken[at]asu.edu)
Date: Fri Aug 24 2001 - 13:08:44 PDT

  • Next message: Perbix, Michael: "RE: [WinMac] Re: Sysco Aeronet and Apple Airport"

    Mike said...

    >For us it is the exact opposite, our IT department is always
    >scrambling to fix something that our users took upon themselves to do
    >without ANY input from us. We do try to think of all the angles and make
    >our job harder to make their lives easier. however sometimes there are just
    >unforeseen things that happen.
    > Whenever you do something, you need to involve the IT department
    >(since that is what they are there for) and they should go out of their way
    >to make the job easier for you and them. Problems on both sides of the

    Your IT department sounds very customer-service oriented. I wish more
    followed your example.

    - Hank

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