Re: [WinMac] sending a Windows shortcut file

From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Thu Mar 15 2001 - 10:09:35 PST

At 12:59 PM -0500 3/15/01, Tom Roth wrote:
>This might be a bit off topic but I was wanting to send a Windows
>shortcut via email to certain folks here in the office but everytime I
>try it sends the original instead of the shortcut.

        That's the correct behavior for a mail client. Try
Stuffing/Zipping the shortcut first, however...

>Then I tried sending
>it from my Macintosh and that corrupted the shortcut file. Well, it
>might have been the email that corrupted it, not the Mac.

        Depending on what type of shortcut is was (ie. a shortcut to
a file, URL, COM object, etc.) would determine if the shortcut could
even pass safely to another machine. Some shortcuts URL's are
pretty simple and can be passed along, but others reference data in
your registry, so they won't work no matter what you do.


                   You've got a SmartFriend in Pennsylvania
Leonard Rosenthol      			Internet:
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