[WinMac] Appletalk Network Questions

From: Mark Workman (mworkman[at]hgcpc.com)
Date: Sat Feb 24 2001 - 21:11:30 PST

  • Next message: Brian Durant: "[WinMac] Handheld."

    Since appletalk networking has been brought up recently, I had two

    1. How important is it to have every zone on it's own physical cable. We
    have moved one part of our office zone into the desktop zone and there is
    another part of the office zone that is physically cabled into the desktop
    zone due to location. This other part has office picked for the default
    zone. I thought that when going to the chooser, this would cause unneeded
    traffic on the network, but I'm not sure whether it is worth doing some
    serious recabling to keep each zone on it's own cable.
    2. We were considering using EIGRP rather than RMPT? on two routers that
    have no workstations connected to them. Our first try shutdown the network.
    If it is really worthwhile, I will continue to try to get this to work.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

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