[WinMac] NEEDED: Solution for handling extended (Portugese) characters

From: Dan Schwartz (Dan[at]BrakeAndGo.com)
Date: Fri Feb 02 2001 - 21:51:12 PST

  • Next message: John Welch: "Re: [WinMac] NEEDED: Solution for handling extended (Portugese) characters"

            Got a weird, time sensitive one on my hands...

            How does a Mac-only user handle extended characters when using BabelFish to
    read eMail messages from Brasil (Portugese)?

            Here's Forrest's note to me:

    "I'm aware, thanks. Fortunately, there are a lot of similarities between
    Portuguese and Spanish. The real problem is the special characters used
    for accented letters, etc. The originals are being e-mailed to me, and the
    Mac makes hash of the PC special characters, and then those words don't

            A lot of events are breaking fast down in Rio, Saġ Paulo, and Brasilia in
    regards to CART & Formula One racing; and Forrest is on top of them (virtually)
    around the clock. Take a look at RaceFax at <http://www.racefax.com> and see
    what I mean.


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