RE: [WinMac] To convert Mac->Windows, should I bother?

From: Dan Schwartz (Dan[at]
Date: Fri Jan 05 2001 - 15:11:08 PST

  • Next message: R Howells: "[WinMac] Re: winmac Digest 5 Jan 2001 21:45:15 -0000 Issue 46"

            Dear Jennifer,

            Yes, I know your southwest Virginia area pretty well!

            Anyway, I agree with Leonard on this one. If the print shop has a computer at
    all - Regardless of platform - then giving him/her a PDF is a *bulletproof*
    method of giving them a file for printing. Period.

            Doesn't matter if they have a 95/98 station... A Mac station... A unix
    station... As long as they have a FREE Acrobat Reader, then they're in

            If page imposition is an issue (work and turn, work and tumble, etc...) then
    give them individual pages (files with one page each) and then s/he can place
    each PDF directly into a PageMaker or Illustrator document... That is, if they
    haven't given you a blank template beforehand). Again, this is platform

            If you have a PageMaker 6.5 (& up) CD, you'll have Acrobat Distiller 3.01 or
    4.0 for that same platform (Win or Mac). Give it a try; but before proceeding
    be sure you set the Distiller Options & Job Options suitable for prepress, i.e.
    no downsampling of images and embed all fonts.

            Give it a try: You'll be pleasantly surprised at the results!

    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Jennifer Rose []
    >Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 4:51 PM
    >Subject: [WinMac] To convert Mac->Windows, should I bother?
    >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    >> Subject: [WinMac] Re: To convert Mac->Windows, should I bother?
    >> Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 09:17:10 -0500
    >> From: Leonard Rosenthol <>
    >> To:
    >> At 4:11 PM -0500 1/3/01, Jennifer Rose wrote:
    >> >That depends upon which printshop you use. Many local presses still
    >> >aren't set up to accept PDF files for making plates.
    >> Then I wouldn't work with those shops since they are already
    >> out of date, and just getting more so every day. Why support them if
    >> they aren't going to support you and the "modern age"?
    >> >And although the current versions of these applications create
    >> >cross-platform files, many printers still prefer to view the files on
    >> >the same platform on which they were created
    >> Which makes a lot of sense if you going to work with original
    >> documents, and is also another reason to NOT work with these people
    >> if they can't take PDF. PDF avoids ALL of the problems that you site
    >> when working from originals!
    >> Leonard
    >> --
    >Weeelll...that sounds like something I would certainly do if I lived in
    >a metropolitan area with high-tech printing facilities within driving
    >distance. Out in the countryside you have fewer choices. Small printers
    >in remote rural areas cannot afford the expense of upgrading all their
    >equipment and software at once.
    >All the problems that I cited are really no big deal when you can have a
    >friendly, communicative relationship with a local printer. Sometimes a
    >local printer will advise us on paper, taking us to his storage area to
    >let us compare, look, and feel the paper we asked for against stock that
    >he feels would show off our design better. Sometimes we get advice on
    >layout, inks or colors. We don't have to take that advice, but we have
    >access to decades of experience in making our decisions. All with a
    >short visit to a nearby press. And our work has won national awards.
    >We do send large jobs out on bid and are tickled when file delivery is
    >made easier for us by a larger printing firm. Meanwhile, we get to live
    >smack in the middle of one of the most beautiful places on earth. Go to
    >Virginia and drive down U.S. Highway 23 South over Powell Valley. You'll
    >see why it doesn't matter if our local printer can take a PDF file.
    >Sometimes it depends on your point of view whether you are giving up
    >something or getting something.
    >Jennifer Rose
    >Public Relations Practitioner II
    >Mountain Empire Community College
    >P.O. Drawer 700
    >Highway 23 South
    >Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
    >540-523-2400, ext. 342
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