RE: [WinMac] Rebuild Desktop on a PC?

From: Dan Schwartz (Dan[at]
Date: Sun Oct 22 2000 - 10:58:05 PDT

  • Next message: Brian Durant: "Re: [WinMac] USB 2.0"

            Actually, in win95/98, and in NT4 & Win2k, the equivalent information is kept
    in the Registry. Unlike the Mac Desktop files which will rebuild if deleted
    (like with TechTool), you do NOT want to delete or fiddle with the Registry or
    your machine will NOT start.

            What you want to do is is go to <> and search for
    regclean.exe, then run it. It's currently at version 4.1. What it does is go
    through and get rid of all sorts of turds in the Registry. It also politely
    creates an UNDO file, which all you need to do is double-click it to undo what
    RegClean cleaned up. Generally, though, I just throw it out. If you want to see
    the contents, right-click on the UNDO file and select "Edit" to see the

            ALTERNATE LOCATION: You can also get it from the Mac-NT Mailing List Common
    File Area: I stored a copy in my archive. Just punch up:

            The cleanup by RegClean will take effect whenever you reboot.

            I'm CCing you directly with RegClean41.EXE: The ListSERV will politely swallow
    it up but you'll receive it directly from me with the CC.

            Dan Schwartz

    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Robert W. James Jr []
    >Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 5:43 PM
    >Subject: [WinMac] Rebuild Desktop on a PC?
    >Is there a PC equivalent to rebuilding the desktop? I can't think of
    >what the "desktop file" would be on a PC...but I'd like to, because if
    >there were such a thing, it could do wonders to improve
    >Robert James, Jr., Fine Arts Resource Center Coordinator

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