RE: [WinMac] Win98 file sharing on ASIP servers or ?

From: Dan Schwartz (Dan[at]
Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 13:34:30 PDT

  • Next message: Romeyn Prescott: "Re: [WinMac] Win98 file sharing on ASIP servers or ?"

            You need to be running ASIP 6.3.1, which fixed a number of problems with SMB
    client connections.


    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Jeff Johnson []
    >Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 1:11 PM
    >Subject: [WinMac] Win98 file sharing on ASIP servers or ?
    >We have a few Win98 computers in four or our five Macintosh-based schools.
    >Each of these schools has multiple ASIP 6 servers. Our choices for setting
    >up file sharing and storage for these few Win98 machines are limited to [1]
    >setting up SMB for Windows on the ASIP servers, [2] purchasing a product
    >like TSSTalk or PCMacLAN for enabling the ASIP servers to be visible in the
    >WIn98 network neighborhood or [3] setting up file sharing across the WAN to
    >the Novell servers at a different school.
    >We're trying method [1] and not having much luck with it.
    >Method [2] will cost <$100 per user, regardless of choice.
    >Method [3] would be slower since we'd be pushing traffic over 1.544 MB T1
    >lines rather than over a 10/100 network.
    >Any thoughts or experiences doing this?
    >Please reply to me directly, in addition to posting to the list -
    >Jeff Johnson
    >District Technology Coordinator
    >Greendale School District
    >Greendale WI 53217
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