[WinMac] We're Back!

From: Darryl Lee (lee[at]darryl.com)
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 18:26:41 PDT

  • Next message: winmac-digest-hel: "winmac Digest 30 Sep 2000 01:27:20 -0000 Issue 1"

    In case you were wondering why you weren't getting any messages from
    the WinMac mailing list in the past couple of days, it's because my
    rotten ISP allowed their mailing list server to crash, without any

    So i've spent the last few days reconstructing the list from a copy
    i had from May, using copies of the subscribe and unsubscribe
    requests that i've gotten since then to update it. (Yeah, it was
    kind of a pain.)

    But hey, i think i got everybody moved over to a new box. Digests and all!

    Here's the new addresses:

                           Posting: winmac@iffy.com
                         Subscribe: winmac-subscribe@iffy.com
                       Unsubscribe: winmac-unsubscribe@iffy.com

    Archives are in the same place: http://www.darryl.com/winmac/

    Please let me know if you have any problems/questions.

    Darryl Lee <lee@darryl.com> | Bore yourself silly: <http://www.darryl.com>

    *** Windows-MacintoshOS Cooperation List *** FAQ: http://www.darryl.com/winmacfaq/ Archive: http://www.darryl.com/winmac/

    To unsubscribe, send mail to winmac-unsubscribe@iffy.com

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Fri Sep 29 2000 - 18:30:04 PDT