[WinMac] "SMTP" authentication in Outlook Express

From: John Nurick (jnurick[at]locum-destination.com)
Date: Tue Sep 05 2000 - 03:54:07 PDT

  • Next message: Welch, John C.: "Re: [WinMac] "SMTP" authentication in Outlook Express"

    Hello all,

    In order to prevent our mail server (MS Exchange 5.5) being used to relay
    spam I've been advised to set the Internet Mail Service to demand
    authorisation (only "Clients who have authenticated" or some such) before
    accepting messages to be relayed.

    It's then necessary to configure the clients to authenticate themselves. In
    Outlook Express for Windows, this is in the Tools|Accounts|Mail|account
    properties|Server dialog. You check "My server requires authentication", and
    in the associated "Settings" dialog you select "Use same settings as my
    incoming mail server".

    So far so good ... but please can someone tell me what are the corresponding
    settings in Outlook Express 4.5 for the Macintosh?


    John Nurick

    Locum Destination Consulting

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