[WinMac] Low-End PCs

From: Robert James, Jr. (rjames[at]chi1.uncfsu.edu)
Date: Mon May 15 2000 - 13:06:21 PDT

  • Next message: Lesley Vita: "Re: [WinMac] Low-End PCs"

    Some good advice recently came down on the H-Mac list about
    www.lowendmac.com, which deals with all things Mac,
    including tips and tricks on upgrades for outdated Macs. Does anyone
    know of an equivalent site for PCs?


    --------<<<<<<<<@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@>>>>>>>>--------
    Robert James, Jr., Coordinator
    Fine Arts Resource Center
    Dept. of the Performing & Fine Arts <http://www.uncfsu.edu/w4/dpt/fah/index.htm>
    Fayetteville State University <http://www.uncfsu.edu>
    Fayetteville, NC
    Email: rjames@chi1.uncfsu.edu
    | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

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