Re: [WinMac] Windows laptop location manager

From: Ron LaPedis (RonL[at]
Date: Fri Apr 21 2000 - 08:41:53 PDT

  • Next message: Brian Durant: "[WinMac] 98lite and USB support."

    The closest thing I've found is Symantec Moble Essentials and it's not
    nearly as clean (or as, um, consistent) as Location Manager. Apparently
    it's using undocumented APIs. You still have to reboot when you change
    locations, but it lets you change locations when you shutdown (sometimes;
    like I said, it's not consistent) so if you shutdown at home and know the
    next startup will be in the office you don't need to reboot. It also has
    major problems with switching between DHCP and fixed addresses and the work
    around (which doesn't always work) is on Symantec's site)


    At 08:03 2000-04-21, Rick Kent wrote:
    >Subject: Windows laptop location manager
    >Is there any equivalent to the Location Manager of a Mac PowerBook on a
    >Windows laptop?
    >We have an Appleshare IP 6.3 network with a couple of PCs and 5 Macs. I was
    >finally able to get my new partner's laptop hooked into the network, but I
    >had to change all the settings in his Network Control Panel. Now he cannot
    >take his laptop home and connect to his home network or his home DSL ISP.
    >Are there any simple solutions to this? (By the way, does anyone actually
    >find it easy to get a PC client to connect to a network printer?)

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