[WinMac] RE: CD read Write for Mac - Digest winmac.v001.n118

From: Harris Meyers (HarrisM[at]npcconsult.com)
Date: Thu Mar 30 2000 - 16:27:02 PST

  • Next message: hharken: "[WinMac] Re: CD read Write for Mac running Softwindows"


    I am in a similar situation, I am looking at getting
    a CD burner to hook up to one of my Macs. Currently
    the two drives I am looking at are:

            Sony Spressa Professional (SCSI) CRX145S/XS
            With Discribe software by charismac.

            APS CD-RW 12x4x32 SCSI Pro
            With Toast software by Adaptec.

    I believe that the current versions of both Discribe and Toast
    will write HFS, ISO 9660, or hybrid HFS/ISO 9660. I also believe
    that the current versions of both packages will write Bootable
    HFS CDs.

    I know about the problems with the USB and FireWire versions
    of the Spressa, but I have not heard of any problems with the
    SCSI version. I believe that I have seen reports of problems
    with other USB and FireWire CD burners. It seems like maybe
    the technology in not quite there yet.

    I believe Toast is the most widely used CD burning software on the
    Mac, I also know that Adaptec's reputation in the Mac community
    is not as good as it might be. I have seen several complaints
    about the latest update to Toast on http://www.macintouch.com

    I hope this is useful information and I would certainly appreciate
    any other pointers that people on the list might have.


    | Harris Meyers HarrisM@npcconsult.com |
    | NPC Consulting Voice: (408) 260-2742 |
    | http://www.npcconsult.com FAX: (408) 241-9013 |
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    > From: David Boyson <davidboyson@compuserve.com>
    > Subject: CD read Write for Mac running Softwindows
    > Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000 14:09:33 -0800
    > Hi,
    > After "lurking" for months on this list I finally came up with my own
    > question.
    > I need to add a CD recorder to my Mac G4 system. Most of the
    > other users in
    > the work group use PC's running Win98 or 2000. I need to be able
    > to produce
    > CD's that run on either MacOS or Windows machines. Any suggestions? I
    > currently run Softwindows v5 with Win98 second edition, and MacOS 9.
    > Ideally, I would like to use the CD RW under either operating system and
    > produce Disks for either platform. If I have to choose one, it
    > would be the
    > MacOS.
    > Any advantage to using a Firewire CD-RW? Or is USB the way to go?
    > Thanks,

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