[WinMac] upgrading NT boot disk

From: Tom Roth (tomroth[at]wfubmc.edu)
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 13:47:38 PST

  • Next message: John Hanks: "RE: [WinMac] upgrading NT boot disk"

    I've got an NT workstation at home with a mere 1GB IDE hard drive.
    Available disk space is not too bad but only because I've set NT to
    compress the data on this disk, otherwise I'd probably be out of space
    by now. I'm guessing that setting the disk to be compressed by NT
    causes the system to access the disk slower?

    If the above is true, what's the easiest way to upgrade to a larger disk
    without having to reinstall everything? I know you can't just select
    all and copy to the new hard drive.

    If it matters, I've got a fast and wide scsi card with BIOS already
    installed in this computer so the upgraded hard drive would likely be SCSI.
     Tom Roth Wake Forest University School of Medicine
     tomroth@wfubmc.edu Dept of Biomedical Communications
     http://www.wfubmc.edu/biomed/ Medical Center Blvd
     Tel 336.716.4493 Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1011

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