[WinMac] Toast 4, USB CD-R drive, Mac OS 9 problems

From: Edward Kwan (e.kwan@unsw.edu.au)
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 21:27:26 PST

  • Next message: Tim Scoff: "Re: [WinMac] Out of the office"

    Dear Jeff,

    Unfortunately, at this moment, you can not use USB CD writers with Mac OS 9.
    Below is an excerpt from Adaptec regarding Toast and Mac OS 9;

    OS 9 has a problem with it's USB drivers, basically they have issues with
    CD-R drives. Apple is aware of this and is correcting it but there is little
    Adaptec can do until the fault in OS9 is repaired. Please check with Apple,
    they may have released the update by now.

    Best regards, Adrian Miller (On behalf of Adaptec Software Products Group)


    Edward Kwan.

    Children's Cancer Institute Australia for Medical Research.
    Sydney Children's Hospital.
    High Street.
    N.S.W. 2031


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