[WinMac] MacOS X volume licensing

Daniel L. Schwartz(expresso[at]snip.net)
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 12:39:53 -0400

        Please take a moment to read the last paragraph group (letter from
Rochester Institute of Technology) in
<http://www.macintouch.com/mxsrhaplic.html> if you are considering
deploying MacOS X Server &/or Client, especially in an academic institution
or other location where volume licensing is used.



GRAMMATICAL NOTE: Due to confusion when spelling a URL or file name
  inside quotes " " or ' ,' extraneous punctuation is moved to the
  outside of the closing quotation.

While you're spamming me, don't forget to include these guys:
Chairman Reed Hundt: rhundt@fcc.gov Comm. James Quello: jquello@fcc.gov
Comm. Susan Ness: sness@fcc.gov Comm. Rachelle Chong: rchong@fcc.gov
US Postal Service: customer@email.usps.gov Fraud Watch: fraudinfo@psinet.com
Federal Trade Commission: consumerline@ftc.gov

Oh, and while you're at it, pound some sand too!
admin@loopback $LOGIN@localhost $LOGNAME@localhost $USER@localhost
$USER@$HOST -h1024@localhost root@mailloop.com


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