Re: [WinMac] Re: connect to nt
Thu, 1 Jul 1999 20:23:00 EDT

>What happens if you put the server's IP address in from Chooser (I don't
>know where to do it in Network Browser, I've only worked with it a little)?


NT doesn't do AppleShare IP.

have to be able to connect to it with native AppleTalk. If the backbone only
carries IP, then you are stuck.

Possible solutions that would require cooperation on both ends would be to
set up IP tunneling (of AppleTalk) between the two subnets (gatorboxes were
able to do this years ago). But, if the campus has made a policy decision to
only allow IP, I doubt they would be happy with that solution -- and you
would need their cooperation.

Another possibility would be Dave. I've never used it, so I am not aware of
it's limitations, if any. If it makes you a true Windows peer, then you
should be able to specify WINS servers by IP and get across. That's not

Yet another would be to run Virtual PC and do your connections from Win95 or
98. The shared disk of VPC would allow you to get things from the Win side to
the Mac side on your Mac. The Win95 or Win98 would be able to address the
WINS servers by IP and get stuff across the backbone.

When Microsoft rules the campus, you become a second rate citizen. Imagine
how crippled a Win95 station would be if the campus were totally Mac, the
servers were AppleShare IP and in another subnet, and only IP were allowed
across the backbone.

I don't know any solutions to that one. Although I suppose people could come
up with one.

Chris Hoogendyk
Network Specialist
UMass Library, Amherst

"second class citizen" managing Unix, Novell and NT servers from his Mac. :-)

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