Re: [WinMac] A Mac Alone

Dean Suhr(deansuhr[at]
Thu, 20 May 1999 20:43:13 -0500

>>>>> On 5/20/99 11:25, Phil Sutton wrote... <<<<<

>I have always said machines are cheaper than people and that hiring someone
>that has years of experience on a Mac should also involve buying them a Mac
>to stay productive.
Yes, and as you probably already know, the decision makers have
responsibility and onfluence only over the hardware portion of the
budget, not the people.

>But, a funny thing happens, people who have never used a
>Mac do not realize that it is not a troublesome machine. It is in many ways
>easy to back out of a problem on a Mac; this is contrary to what I have
>observed on Windows. I am very in favor of integrating a system if the
>experience of the users warrants it.
This is the key issue. The Macs and PCs will co-exist well. Hang in
there and keep outproducing them!

>It sort of boils down to whose job should be easier, the system
>administrators or the production people.
And of course the administrators control the gas on burners so you know
whose pot they want to have boil!

* Windows-MacOS Cooperation List *

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