Re: [WinMac] Bridged Printer & NT | Configure a NT printer?

Bruce Johnson(johnson[at]Pharmacy.Arizona.EDU)
Mon, 17 May 1999 07:22:44 +0000

Antony N. Lord wrote:
> Background

> Option 2
> Use the special adapter cable and hang the printer of a networked PC
> Problem :
> How do I configure a custom printer (the PC is likely to be a NT box) using
> the serial, baud and parity info from the printer manual?

Well, the AppleLaserwriter printers are one of the standard printer drivers
shipped with Windows, so the driver problem is simple, or, use the Adobe PS
printer driver. Then just tell the system that it's connected to a serial
port...the standard Windows serial configuration should take care of that.
I've never set up a serial printer in Windows, so I don't know if it's in the
printer setup or (more likely) in the System properties for that serial
port...look in the System Control panel, that's where you would configure it.)

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