[WinMac] Linux, anyone?

Darryl Lee(lee[at]darryl.com)
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 18:26:41 -0800 (PST)

Dan wrote:
> > You can buy the Red Hat distribution package, with 90 days support, for
> >$32.95 at Best Buys.

Heh. Support for installing it, and after that, you're on your own. (Oh
wait, now there's www.linuxcare.com)

> > At the local Best Buys, there was more shelf space for Linux, closer to
> >the front, than there was for the iMac...

It certainly is getting some hype. You shoulda been at the LinuxWorld
Expo out here a few weeks ago. Pretty wild.

> >At 09:55 AM 3/25/99 -0500, Alex wrote:
> Oh, I've got Linux at work (just recently, haven't done anything with it
> yet) for free. I plan to install it at home very sonn (time, time).

Yeah, isn't that always the trick? i find that i never actually learn
anything until i *have* to get it done, for work, or whatever. Free
time? What's that?

> But the excuse for Mac OS X server is also to get a new toy, c'mon :) I
> wanna see what it's all about, Unix with a pretty face... (o.k. sorta). ;)

Bah. Unix with a pretty face. Real users use CLIs! >:}

But seriously, even the GNOME and KDE projects within Linux scare me,
because there's *so* much going on underneath. i dunno, in some ways,
it's nice with a Mac because i don't have to know what ugliness is
going on underneath. With *nix, it's like information overload.
Way too much stuff to have to know about.

But eh. i manage somehow. And *nix lets you do kewl stuff like
maintain a web archive of mailing lists, and make them searchable,
without too much trouble. You know, like:



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