[WinMac] Re: WinMac Digest #264 - 03/25/99

Alex Dearden(pata[at]tampabay.rr.com)
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 10:05:14 -0500

>Let's say I setup a document in a WIN application and print it to a
>networked HP4000 printer. I save that document, then connect an Apple
>LaserWriter 360 via LPT1, install the 360 WIN driver, and print to the 360.
>Will my document printout differently because of the different printer

If you're using the proper driver for each one, it shouldn't print TOO

>What if I point to the 360 but still use the 4000 driver?
Don't do that. You might get all sorts of errors at best (garbled output
most of the time).

>Will margins be different?
>Will fonts print differently when directed to the new printer?
>Are print drivers and printer PPDs separate animals?

Yes they are, both on a PC and on a Mac. PPDs are only text files that
tell the driver what features are available on the printer (and how to
write the postscript code for that particular device). Don't be mislead
by the use of the word "only" above. They are a crucial part of the whole
printing process!
>What a headache... (LOL)

Oh yes.

Alex Dearden

* Windows-MacOS Cooperation List *

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