[WinMac] Re: Cool site

Alex Dearden(pata[at]tampabay.rr.com)
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 19:34:53 -0500

> If you have seen NT sputter and die, then chances are you're doing
>something wrong; or more likely you were working on a "screwdriver job
>pee-cee. You need to make sure everything is on the HCL (Hardware
>Compatibility List at:
> <http://www.microsoft.com/hwtest/hcl/>. If you don't stick to the HCL,
>you're pissing on the toilet lid.
> I suggest running NT on a Alpha instead: You'll see even better stability
>since the application code needs to be "cleaner" than for NT/x86. Check out:
> <http://www,AlphaNT.com>.

Enough already with the NT/Alpha! ;)

I've seen NT sputter and die on machines that were all on the HCL, namely
IBM Intellistations that you yourslef recommend. And if 3 MCSE's were
doing something wrong on these machines (and no, they weren't installing
strabge stuff or editing the registry, etc) then that's the scariest OS
I've seen in my life.

Alex Dearden

* Windows-MacOS Cooperation List *

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