[WinMac] Re: VirtualPC

Bion Pohl(bpohl[at]accessone.com)
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 14:03:42 -0800

>My only problem I had was

>installing Service Pack 3. (It crashed VirtualPC, and I had to

>from scratch. I didn't like SP3 anyways. I'm waiting on SP4.)


I've been using DOS NT under VirtualPC for some time now (I wrote and
AppleScript to swap between that and DOS 98). I'm running a Computer
Associates OpenIngres database within that and doing database
development, all on a PowerBook G3/300. The only real problem I've had
was with Symantec's pcAnywhere. I can control other's machines but
when someone tries running mine it works for a while then BSoD's.

Just a warning, there is a problem using SP4 under VPC. Connectix
recommends staying at SP3. I tried SP4 and there is a problem with
something called 'netlogin' that lets you do the Ctrl-Alt-Del to type
in the name and password but then hangs and wont let you go further.
After I put on SP4 and had this problem I put my NT CD back in and
reloaded NT but as it complained that existing things were newer I told
it to skip replacing them until I got to 'netlogin', replaced it, then
skipped the rest. They seem to come up alphabetically so you know when
you're getting close to 'netlogin'. It's worked fine from there.

                                Bion Pohl

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