[WinMac] File is use - who by?/font conversion solution

Owen Watson(owen[at]rsnz.govt.nz)
Tue, 16 Feb 1999 09:11:25 +1300

Is there any way you can find out which client (Mac or Win) has a file open
on a NT4 server? My Windows expert says no ("NT isn't a proper network
filesystem that can do that - you have to have something like Novell")

BTW, I've tried out a new Mac <-> Win font utility called TransType
(http://www.fontlab.com) which seems to work OK; $50.
The developers (in Russia!) seem keen on sorting out any font problems. (It
runs on a Mac)

Owen Watson, The Royal Society of NZ, PO Box 598, Wellington, New Zealand
Internet watson.o@rsnz.govt.nz Ph: +64 4 472 7421 Fax: +64 4 473 1841
The gateway to New Zealand science: http://www.rsnz.govt.nz/

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