[WinMac] Re: Timbuktu experiences?

Dan Schwartz(expresso[at]snip.net)
Tue, 09 Feb 1999 18:54:39 -0500

        You are quite correct about this... Fortunately though, I ditched the job
after 3 months (about 3 years ago) because the place was such a sh**house
and I had no support from upper management when I tried to clean things up.

        BTW, Conflict Catcher is a LOT better than Apple's Extension Manager. I
especially like that it has a menubar icon; and unlike almost anything else
that patches the menubar Conflict Catcher (and Stuffit Deluxe) don't
destabilize System 7.x/MacOS 7.6 & up.


At 04:20 PM 2/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> From my experience, Timbuktu is great, until you need to remotely diagnose
>>a sick Mac with an untrained operator on the other end of the phone....
>> The first thing you tell the person on the other end to do is... to shut
>>extension loading ...And guess what else happens?... The Extensions
Timbuktu >
>>requires also don't load.
>Sounds as though you need to provide such clients with your very own
>replacement for their Extensions Manager control panel, with your very
>own defined minimal extension set including Timbuktu. Call it "Emergency
>set" or something.... Just a little insurance policy, yes? Then you could
>go into Extensions Manager and choose the right set and reboot yourself,
>you wouldn't even need to explain which two keys to hold down to disable
>extensions to the little clueless dears at the other end.
>You might still have to get somebody competent onsite to do the
>replacement if your clients are so clueless that they can't reboot with
>extensions off and then drop the new control panel into the System
>Folder. (I'm assuming that the System might be picky about letting you
>replace it after it had been loaded during startup, but maybe not.) But
>they could do the replacements on all the machines, you just would need
>to give them all possible versions for the systems on their machines.
>I have Extension Manager aliases on my desktop for three different mac
>systems myself, so I'm ready to tweak no matter which partition I've
>booted from.... and I do define various minimal sets to include things
>that I don't want to be without (such as my trackball driver....).
> Peace, Cathy Flick cathyf@earlham.edu


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