[WinMac] trouble with drive container files

DeLance Steve(Steve.DeLance[at]nmg.sms.siemens.com)
Thu, 12 Nov 1998 09:19:20 -0600

Hi folks,

I have been lurking on the list for a few days now and checking the archives
but I can't seem to find an answer to this problem. I have a 9500/120 with
Apple 100MHz Pentium card and whenever I try to set one of my drive
containers to another drive file my Mac crashes with a Finder bus error.
happens just as the location dialog box comes up. I am able to select a "new
drive file" at any time, but I can't select "other drive file" for either
C or D drive. I attempted to trash the "PC Setup Prefs" file, but then I
couldn't reset my C drive to the existing container. (Good thing I didn't
empty the Trash!)

 I tried deleting the Finder Prefs file and restarting the Mac and got a
little further (emphasis on the "little"). This time the location dialog box
came up fine starting with the System Folder of my boot drive. Since my
file is on another hard drive I tried to get to the desktop to navigate to
other hard drive and select the file. The Mac had a hard freeze with a watch
cursor and no movement and would not respond to any escape sequence I could
think of including the three-finger-salute.

 One of the things I'd like to be able to do is make a copy of my C drive
backup purposes. I think I might have found a workaround with Drive Image,
I'm still not comfortable with my backup plan. I'd also like to add a larger
hard drive in the Mac, create a larger partition in which to hold a larger
drive file and migrate by C drive to the new file.

Perhaps related to this is the less critical, but still irritating problem
not being able to browse my shared folders anymore. I'm sure this used to
work. Trying this results in a crash on the PC side with a slew of fatal
exceptions one after the other. I can access stuff on the shared folder
through a RUN or application OPEN/SAVE command browser/dialog, but I can't
Windows Explorer. A typical example of the sequence of events when I try to
open my shared folder (mapped as my F: drive in the PC Setup control panel)
just by double-clicking its icon under My Computer:

Fatal Exception
(mumbo jumbo) 0137:BFF9A3C0 (hit any key)

Vshwin caused a GPF in module KRNL386.EXE at 0001:00004e46 (Close)

Fatal Exception
(mumbo jumbo) 0137:BFF9A3C0 (hit any key)

RNAAPP caused a GPF in module KRNL386.EXE at 0001:00004e46 (Close)

Fatal Exception
(mumbo jumbo) 0137:BFF9A3C0 (hit any key)

Msoffice caused a GPF in module KRNL386.EXE at 0001:00004e46 (Close)

Fatal Exception
(mumbo jumbo) 0137:BFF9A3C0 (hit any key)

etc, etc until I get a warning that the system is getting low on resources
I Cntrl-Alt-Del at the next Fatal Exception screen and reboot the PC side.

I can't remember what is installed with Apple's PC Compatibility software,
I checked my version of PC Setup and it is 1.6.4. The PC Exchange Control
Panel is version 2.0.7 and claims to be from PC Compatibility Software 1.5.
this the right version?

I forgot to mention that I'm running 7.5.5 until I get these problems sorted
out. I'd like to upgrade to 8.0 or 8.1, but not until I know that I won't
to reinstall all the PC stuff from scratch. I'm running 24MB of RAM on the
card and 96MB in the Mac.

Thanks in advance and sorry for the long-winded narative,

Steve DeLance

Steve DeLance
Siemens Medical Systems, Inc.

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