RE: [WinMac] Re: E-Mail System Research

Phillip Corchary(corchary[at]
Thu, 08 Oct 1998 21:36:44 -0600

>Phillip, my concern with using LDAP as a directory is that we haven't found
>a client/server combination that creates an address book automagically for
>the user. There are several applications that offer a slick interface to
>LDAP, but I haven't run across anything that uses LDAP in the background to
>keep a more or less "centralized" address book that the user doesn't have to
>worry about.
>When our users compose an e-mail message, they want to pick recipients from
>a list, as opposed to the typical "query for the one you want & then add
>them to your local address book scheme" that seems prevalent at this time.
>If you are aware of an standards-based address book that works via LDAP (or
>possibly ACAP?) that allows the user to remain uninvolved in the cognitive
>process, I would indeed like to explore that avenue.

Well, client implementations vary. For instance, if you use MS Outlook
Express, it works very much like the full MS Exchange/Outlook in that you
simply type the names of your intended recipients, separated by commas and
click SEND ... then the client checks those names against your default LDAP
server. If the client finds multiple names that correspond, it give you a
list to pick from.

Most of the new email systems work in some fashion like this, not like the
old MS Mail and Quickmail where you get a list of users and you pick the
ones that you want....

>I have the same concerns about proprietary solutions such as Exchange that
>you mentioned, so if you have further comments that would propel me in the
>standards-based direction, let me know. Thanks for sharing your time.

Phillip Corchary, Sr. Systems Engineer
Apple Computer, Inc., Denver CO / 303-202-9883

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