[WinMac] Re: PPS

Alex Dearden(pata[at]tampabay.rr.com)
Sun, 6 Sep 1998 10:17:14 -0400

>I have a Kodak 8650 color printer in use by my Digital Imaging Lab where
>they print Mac and WIN. They have a PPD for the 8650s on their WIN systems,
>but they claim there's not a PPD for their Mac. I seem to recall reading
>that a PPD is simply a text file specifying printer options, and that that
>text file can be used on *any* platform--Mac, WIN, or UNIX.
>Based on my understanding, I told them to use the WIN PPD on their Mac and
>it would work--they have been for a couple of days now. Will there be any
>future problems with my approach?
There shouldn't be a problem at all.

It is true, PPDs are nothing more than text files which tell your System
(either Mac, PC or Unix) what the capabilities of the printer are, how
many trays it has, what size paper it prints to, etc. The only trick is
making sure that the file is in a readable format, some drivers won't
read the files (PPDs) if you drag them straight from the PC to the Mac. I
usuually open them up in SimpleText and save them from there again to
ensure they have the proper format, or use ResEdit to change the creator
and type...

Sorry if posting this late (I was in Seybold :) :) :)

Alex Dearden

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