Re: [WinMac] Re: Office version terminology question

Paul Frankenstein(frankens[at]
Wed, 02 Sep 1998 09:45:24 -0400

>>1. After Windows 3.1 came Windows 95 and Windows NT, and then very
>>recently, Windows 98.
>Don't include NT in that series; different product line completely. And
>it's in version 4; there were _many_ versions of NT before Windows 95.
>And there have also been Windows for Workgroups products. No, Windows
>3.1.1 was not Windows for Workgroups, but there may have been a similar
>product with that version number, since MS made several changes.

As I recall (and I'm perfectly willing to be wrong about this), Microsoft
fudged around with the version numbers so that NT 3.51 was the first really
usable version of this OS (I'd like to point out that this is not unheard
of; Word 8 for the Mac is actually only the *sixth* release [they skipped
2.x and 7.x] of Word on the Mac).

>>I would also like to know if anybody is still using Office for Windows 95.
>>I can find almost no references to it on Microsoft's web site and as far as
>>I can tell, PC Connection isn't selling it....

Lots of folks are still using it, particularly in production environments
(i.e. word processing centers, etc.). Part of the reason for that is that
Word 7 is a better program than Word 8....


paul frankenstein | | x2822

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