[WinMac] Re: digests and more digests

Jeroen Camstra(jeroenc[at]bigfoot.com)
Fri, 28 Aug 1998 11:15:42 +0200

Marc Bizer wrote:
>Most people don't see it as "I *have* to read each message individually" --
>this is seen as a feature which allows you to *select* which messages you'd
>like to read.
>WinMac began with an Evangelist-type digest mode, which is non-MIME, but
>most people wrote saying that they wanted MIME digests. Let me know if the
>majority opinion has changed. We can't offer MIME and regular-text digests
>on a per-subscriber basis, alas.

I like it this way (MIME). It's much easier to scan the individual
messages. Please keep it this way!

With regards,


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