[WinMac] Mac to PC Networking Question

Wed, 12 Aug 1998 12:00:14 -0400 (EDT)

Greetings All,

I am new to this list and hope there is some help out there for a Mac/PC networking question.

We have a large 10/100BaseT Mac network in our office running under AppleshareIP 5.0.

Our problem is - The company that produces most of our Law research (West Law) caters mostly to the Win95 platform. So most of our PC Research on CD is for the PC.

My Question is - What's the best way to access this data on PC CD's over our network??? Has anyone out there addressed this issue?

What is the best way to impliment a PC and a CD Tower or Virtual Tower (Large HD) onto our Mac ASIP network so that all our attorneys can access these archives over the network stored on the PC?

I am familiar with Softwindows, Virtual PC, PCmacLan & Cops Talk.

Has anybody actually tried to do this? (To access Law (PC CD's) on CD Tower or Virtual Tower via Softwindows or Virtual PC?) Can it be done? HOW????

What is the BEST software to do this out of the bunch/or other software/hardware? Softwindows, Virtual PC, PCmacLan & Cops Talk?


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