NT server/ apple client

Paul A. Cave(iac[at]iac1.com)
Tue, 14 Jul 1998 00:30:50 +0200

Hi I have an Apple client machine logging on to an NT server to
save/update/retireve files, etc.

When they log on and while they are logged on, the list of files in the
'partition' changes rapidily. If you have a file called 'myfile1' the
list will change to 'myfile1', 'myfile2', myfile3' and then back to just
'myfile1' again as if the server was creating (or duplicating) the file
and then deleting it again. It does this for any number of files but not,
I beilieve folders.

Any suggestions as to what it might be?

I do not know the version of NT or the Appletalk services it is running
as I am not the adminisitrator. I could find out however if nec.

Thanks in advance.

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